Meet the team

A photograph of Bethan

Bethan Atkinson

Bethan holds a Masters in Marketing and brings a genuine passion for creating innovative projects. Her expertise and creativity drive impactful campaigns that captivate audiences and elevate our brand. With her own entrepreneurial spirit, Bethan is constantly exploring new opportunities and brings a unique perspective to our team.

A photograph of Grace

Grace Collier

Grace holds diplomas in both Art and Design as well as Digital Marketing and is currently pursuing a diploma in Graphic Design. Grace is a skilled and passionate designer who brings her unique creative flair to all of our projects. She freelances for Rocketeer and always has fresh and engaging designs for all of our content.

A photograph of Danny

Danny Franklin

With over ten years of website development experience, Danny has become a trusted professional in helping businesses create effective online presences that thrive in the ever-evolving technical world. His extensive expertise and keen understanding of web development trends and best practices enable him to deliver exceptional results.

A photograph of Freddie

Freddie Harding

Freddie has a passion for helping others and bringing entrepreneurship to those who may not have had the opportunity before. He works closely with prisons in the region to teach our courses to prisoners, helping them learn the skills they need to start and grow their own businesses. Freddie has also cultivated advanced video editing skills over the years.

A photograph of Karen

Karen Hughes

Karen brings a wealth of experience in working closely with prisoners, delivering our business courses and helping to provide them with the tools they need to succeed as entrepreneurs. Her experience in working with offenders makes her an invaluable resource for our team.

A photograph of Clifford

Clifford Lawel

Clifford is a vital member of our team, working part-time alongside his studies in Information Technology. He brings a fresh perspective to our marketing efforts and is always eager to learn new skills and techniques. His dedication and hard work have helped him balance both work and studies with great success.

A photograph of Richard

Richard Wood

Our CEO at Rocketeer is a qualified entrepreneur who understands the challenges of starting a business due to firsthand experience. With a passion for providing tangible resources and actionable advice, he is dedicated to helping aspiring entrepreneurs overcome difficulties and achieve their goals.

Meet the Advisory board

A photograph of Xavier

Xavier Ballester

Director of Angel Investment Network's brokering division. Xavier also runs AIN's property division Bricktribe that helps property developers across the UK raise money for development projects.

A photograph of Stuart

Stuart Hagyard

Stuart has a degree in chemistry, an MBA and over 40 years experience of quality, IT and project management in the food industry. Now retired, he retains a keen interest in helping others to develop their business skills and is working with Rocketeer on a number of projects.

A photograph of John

John Holmes

With a background in banking and specialist asset finance, John has worked in the business sector, encompassing business turnaround, risk and relation management, supporting high tech start up propositions and holding several board and panel membership roles.

A photograph of Anthony

Anthony La Pusata

Co-founder of Seabench; previously worked with Activision, Opera Software and Mercedes. Now works with the Italian Government and lives in Sicily. Anthony is playing a key role in the development of Rocketeer’s NFT project.

A photograph of Jamie

Jamie Smith

Edtech Investor, Executive Chairman of C-Learning and CEO of Statistics24. Tech adviser, author and speaker. Co-owner of a number of technology companies predominantly in the education sector but also in the field of insurance technology.